Jeff Fuqua

Discipleship Pastor

Jeff Fuqua joined the SMBC staff in May of 2015 as our Minister of Education. He has a passion for stepping out beyond the church facility to physically meet the needs of the community through ongoing projects including Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief and Rebuild efforts. It is his desire to see South Main continue to increase the church membership’s involvement in ministry.

Jeff and his wife, Patti, both graduated from Dallas Baptist College in 1980. Patti earned her Master of Education degree from East Texas State University in 1985 and taught public elementary school for thirty years before retiring in 2010. She has served vocationally as a pianist, organist, and/or keyboardist in Baptist Churches since the 1970s, and is currently involved in South Main's music ministry.

Jeff received his Master of Arts in Religious Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1990. He has been a consultant for both associational and state groups in Texas.

Jeff and Patti have two adult children who are married and both have children, giving them five grandchildren, all girls, who keep them quite busy.